Monthly Archives: July 2009

What and where and why

I have been away from here to a place I did not expect to go, a place that has taken my energy, my thoughts and challenged me and still I have a long journey ahead  probably filled with tears, laughter, tears, joy, more tears both happy and sad, gratitude, love and most importantly hope.
I had a routine mamogram at the beginning of April, the date should be significant but unless I look it up I can’t remember. The significant detail was being told I had breast cancer – bugger, but rather me than my sister.
Hell, I had to tell my brother and sister, that was hard as it is only three years since our darling Mummy secumbed to the same dreadful disease. Oh, yes I know it is different – hers was elderly onset and very aggressive, I am ‘young’  fit and it was early detection all the signs for a good outcome – but it still sucks.
I am not angry, I don’t think why me, I do not feel sorry for myself, this is something to be faced head on, and dealt with. I have great belief that I will live until I am 92 and that I am going to be fine, after all my glass is always half full. But that does not stop me from being scared along the way.


Filed under cancer

Take time

Take time …to notice the dewy web clinging cautiously to the morning grass.
Take time …to feel the fire’s warm glow, and hear the crackling wood as it sparks randomly upwards.
Take time …to smell the sweet aroma of cookies wafting from the bustling kitchen.
Take time …to appreciate the laughter of children enjoying the first days of Spring.
Take time …to listen of the rushing stream as it glides swiftly under fallen limbs and over mossy pebbles.
Take time …to admire the diligence of the chattering squirrels seeking stores for their winter nests.
Take time …to wonder at the intricate crystal patterns frosting early morning windows.
Take time …to notice arid, shriveled leaves crunching with each step, along the tree-lined path.
Take time …to watch Autumn’s crispness paint changes from branch to branch, decorating the landscape for a short time.
Take time …to feel the cool breeze blowing in the promise of a summer rain.
Take time …to hear the clicking crickets echoing in the blackness.
Take time …to count the stars as they emerge from the graying sky, one by one filling the dark.
Take time …to hear the lapping waves pound against the grainy surface, then recede in answer.
Take time …to enjoy the fragrant scents of blooming newness and life, sprouting an array of colors where brown slept many long months.
Take time …to follow a firefly as it winks across open-air chasing the evening silence.
Take time …to share a smile.
Take time …to give a hug.
Take time …to acknowledge a kindness.
Take time …to tell someone you care.
Take time …to say, I love you

Barbara S Gosa

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